Men's Mysteries
A Personal Journey for the Modern Man

Have we been duped? How often is our masculinity measured by certain behaviors, accomplishments or challenges? The old standard of initiation into manhood by killing a lion or going on a vision quest no longer applies in the 21st century -- nor does the Warrior Archetype and its corresponding mentality. In an age where the Women’s Movement has made great strides, and there is a lack of positive modern male role models for male youth, men often find their roles muddled and confusing. We often believe that on one-hand we are expected to be more sensitive and passive, yet on the other-hand we need to be assertive and strong.
The answer lies not in our actions, accomplishments or accumulation of wealth, but at our core being. In the end, “a real man” is a better human being first -- and from that core place (your personal power) the appropriate behaviors and actions will develop.
We've been conned to believe that compassion, intuition and emotions are feminine qualities, when in fact these attributes belong to all human beings. These attributes, and many others, are innate in both sexes. Men's Mysteries is NOT about the feminization of men nor is it a drum circle or a vision quest. Men's Mysteries are about defining who you are as a man, stepping into your own personal power, making connections with Nature, and challenging old outdated beliefs, archetypes and systems. This is a process – a progressive course – where each month builds upon the previous month. It facilitates building tools, honing skills and bringing to light insights that define and redefine your relationship with yourself and others.
There is a spiritual aspect to this journey, but it is not religious. Men of all types, from all adult ages, from all walks of life, and from all beliefs systems are welcome. In an eclectic and supportive space, we will conduct our exploration within a framework of elemental understandings, while manifesting our new destinies as Modern Men who stand in their own power and speak their own truth.
So, the questions remain: Are you ready to walk through the muddled and confused role of modern masculinity? Are you ready to walk through the shadows of your life and emerge into the sunlight of your own personal power? Are you ready to delve deep into your soul and throw off the shackles of outdated social programming that we have come to believe has been placed upon us? Are you ready to step up, walk your talk, and explore who you are as a man and as a human being?
If so, our journey begins looking at who we believe we are as men and evolves into who we are authentically. Through this 13-month process (meeting once month) our own personal journeys involve delving deep inside to discover our masculinity and the sacredness of what it means to be a modern man.
The answer lies not in our actions, accomplishments or accumulation of wealth, but at our core being. In the end, “a real man” is a better human being first -- and from that core place (your personal power) the appropriate behaviors and actions will develop.
We've been conned to believe that compassion, intuition and emotions are feminine qualities, when in fact these attributes belong to all human beings. These attributes, and many others, are innate in both sexes. Men's Mysteries is NOT about the feminization of men nor is it a drum circle or a vision quest. Men's Mysteries are about defining who you are as a man, stepping into your own personal power, making connections with Nature, and challenging old outdated beliefs, archetypes and systems. This is a process – a progressive course – where each month builds upon the previous month. It facilitates building tools, honing skills and bringing to light insights that define and redefine your relationship with yourself and others.
There is a spiritual aspect to this journey, but it is not religious. Men of all types, from all adult ages, from all walks of life, and from all beliefs systems are welcome. In an eclectic and supportive space, we will conduct our exploration within a framework of elemental understandings, while manifesting our new destinies as Modern Men who stand in their own power and speak their own truth.
So, the questions remain: Are you ready to walk through the muddled and confused role of modern masculinity? Are you ready to walk through the shadows of your life and emerge into the sunlight of your own personal power? Are you ready to delve deep into your soul and throw off the shackles of outdated social programming that we have come to believe has been placed upon us? Are you ready to step up, walk your talk, and explore who you are as a man and as a human being?
If so, our journey begins looking at who we believe we are as men and evolves into who we are authentically. Through this 13-month process (meeting once month) our own personal journeys involve delving deep inside to discover our masculinity and the sacredness of what it means to be a modern man.
Dates: currently gathering interested men for the next program. Start Date TBD
Times: 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm
Place: A Healing Place Springfield, Springfield, IL
Cost: $30 per month
Course is limited to 10 participants.
Please call/text 217-416-7649 or email: [email protected]
to reserve your spot, or to ask questions.

Facilitated by Elliott Challandes, MA, CH, CP, LMT
Elliott has an academic background in Psychology and Social & Political Theory. He has worked with men of all types over the last 10 years regarding Men's Health and Men's Issues. For over 25 years he has practiced in the areas of guided meditation, relaxation / stress reduction, goal manifestation, personal development and complementary/alternative medicine. Elliott is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Certified Practitioner of Asian Bodywork, a Reiki Master/Teacher and a Licensed Massage Therapist. He often facilitates exercises, workshops and events that promote self-health and the integration of mind, body and spirit in the community.
Elliott has an academic background in Psychology and Social & Political Theory. He has worked with men of all types over the last 10 years regarding Men's Health and Men's Issues. For over 25 years he has practiced in the areas of guided meditation, relaxation / stress reduction, goal manifestation, personal development and complementary/alternative medicine. Elliott is a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Certified Practitioner of Asian Bodywork, a Reiki Master/Teacher and a Licensed Massage Therapist. He often facilitates exercises, workshops and events that promote self-health and the integration of mind, body and spirit in the community.